From Iceland — Well, You Asked: Something To Look Forward To

Well, You Asked: Something To Look Forward To

Published November 17, 2023

Well, You Asked: Something To Look Forward To

Your most pressing questions, answered by the smartest person at GV HQ

Why is it so tricky for me to get to Northern Iceland from England?

There’s the matter of the rocky roads, highlands, sometimes icy planes and treacherous seas around the island – not to mention a certain… skepticism towards British vessels in the waters #codwars #letsnotrepeatthat. But mate, you can just get there like everybody else. Get to Reykjavík and move from there. It’s okay, we all do it. It’s not basic, I promise.

Why does Iceland insist on having its own highly unstable and economically vulnerable micro-currency, when it seems that all it does is to make the owners of capital in Iceland so much richer and those that have debt so much poorer? Wait a minute …

Yeeeaaah, I think you pretty much answered that for us, huh? But look! Cute fishies on the coins! Blub blub! Goochie goo!

What Icelandic fiction should I be looking forward to in the rest of 2023 and into 2024?

I am personally looking forward to such long anticipated titles like Work / Life Balance, because who doesn’t love a little romance, The Stability of Finance, a speculative fiction piece that sounds interesting, Housing, to have something spooky in the fall, The Prattling Parliament to feed the comedy needs. Of course, How To Commercialize A Burning Rock looks like a promising guide book that I am certain will fix all my long term problems. Aaaaall of them.

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